
No more (till next time)


Providing LANs for llamas since 2002 add

Until Discount Cut-Off


Until Shop Orders Close


Until Tournaments Open



Attendees at LlamaLAN 43

Until LlamaLAN 43



Terms and Conditions

LlamaLAN Terms and Conditions

  • No smoking in the venue, there is a covered porch at the front door with an ashtray
  • No Warez over the LlamaLAN network infrastructure, with this in mind we ask that you disable File and Printer sharing for the duration of the event, in the future we hope to gain support and sponsorship from game publishers and so it is appropriate that we discourage the distribution of illegal material.
  • Please show consideration for the age and sensibilities of others when viewing material on your PC.
  • Show consideration for others who may be trying to sleep, the sleeping area is for sleeping so please keep noise to a minimum in that area.
  • Damage to the venue, the venues property, or the personal property of other attendees is not acceptable and will not be tolerated, we feel it appropriate and sensible that any damage will be paid for by the person who caused it.
  • For those of an appropriate age the consumption of alcohol is permitted, please do so with due consideration for those around you, accidents happen whilst under the influence of alcohol and so be extra careful, the rules about breakages still apply if you're drunk. With this in mind we try and keep the events for the over 18s only. However participants under the ages of 18 are welcome, please see the links at the bottom of the page. Any behaviour which is deemed to be detrimental to the event may result in that person being asked to leave; Remember, we are there to have safe, responsible fun. The equipment you bring is your own responsibility, so make sure you transport it safely to and from the event and keep it safe whilst there.
  • Please DO NOT sleep in the main hall next to your computer. This causes obstructions to the walkways and a hazard to other participants in the event of an evacuation
  • Refunds
    Refunds can be offered on an event if the number of attendees paid is greater than the amount required to run the event. If this is not the case, then a refund cannot be issued. If a refund is possible it will, unfortunately, be minus any costs incurred for management of the money (PayPal for example). Refunds will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
  • Most importantly have fun, the rules are there to protect you and your property and prevent unnecessary accidents

  • Spectators are welcomed at LlamaLAN, and will be charged at 10.00 per spectator for the entire event.
  • Spectators can take part in projector games, but cannot use a PC brought by a participant of the event. This will be seen as a breach of terms and conditions and result in both
  • spectator and participant being removed from the event.

Every participant who agrees the terms and conditions also agrees with the contents of the Gamers' Agreement. The Gamers' Agreement can be found by following this link - please read it through before agreeing to the terms and conditions.

Terms and conditions subject to change at anytime

under 16: consent form
under 16: info for parents

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